Welcome Home Daddy!!

Welcome Home from Germany Daddy!!

Thank you for all the yummy “German chocolate treats”. I saw all of this candy sitting on our counter, and could not resist the photo opportunity. I know one thing is for sure, our Daddy knows how to win his little girls over!! Chocolate!! The way to any girls heart…well, maybe not any girl….but certainly my little girls!!

Daddy’s Girls!
Pumpkin and Daddy before the Daddy Daughter dance for AHG!!
O.K. I will leave you with one final picture and likely the theme of our weekend!! Chocolate!!
Life is short….why not enjoy the good stuff!!

Germany, Give Away, & More!

“While the Cat’s away the mice will play”!! My husband has been in Germany on business this week, so I have been busily working to get things in order….some of my tasks at hand have included;

Exploring 1st Grade Curriculum for Pumpkin

Getting ready for our big: USA Adventure (hoping to start next week)

Preparing “Our Flat Friend Adventure Program”

We will also be kicking off our “Letter of the Week” program for Boo (she is eager to ‘do’ school like sissy, but honestly I have not been ready to tackle it with both of them until now)

 And….lots MORE!! Tonight is my last night to tackle things before he returns…I’m just praying it all gets done so I don’t have my face glued to a computer upon his return!!

“The Girls” reading quietly in their room….

I also wanted to remind all of you don’t for get to check out COAH!! Erica has a great National Geographic giveaway going on!!