“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
5 Reasons Kids Should Help With Family Chores
- they gain a great deal of confidence and sense of accomplishment
- they feel “a part” of something
- it helps prepare them for their future
- they will have a greater respect for the “things” and people in their lives
- it helps reduce your work load – less time spent doing chores means more time to spend with those who matter most – our family!
Check it out – Pumpkin just folded two loads of laundry..(you rock baby girl)!
Among the many things we teach our children…keeping “house” is one of my favorites. It may not be done the way I would have done it but it gets done!
Kids love to help- when we let them.
They learn the importance of teamwork, respect of ones belongings, and simultaneously learn time management.
Yes, all while cleaning!
K.Bear enjoys most anything to do with water (washing windows, starting the laundry, dishes, and floors) all of which require supervision. That is unless huge piles of water does not stress you out?!