Almost “ONE”!!

It is hard to believe…my “little man” is almost “ONE”! Mr.Smiles you are such a joy to have in our life!! We are blessed beyond words with your charming personality and your wonderful disposition! Although, STILL a terrible sleeper (just like your sisters) we love you just the same.

 Still crawling at lightning speed…I’m shocked, but O.K with it too! It seems as though you do everything “fast” soooo…Im sure when you walk…it will be more of a “RUN”! You have grown up so quickly from a tiny baby….to a self feeding (still nursing)…bundle of fun!

 You helped “manage” our first family lemonade sale!!

You are a true water baby from birth…never so much as a “squeal” in the tub! Splish, splash…you love taking a bath, swimming, and yes, boating 🙂 Well, all except your life jacket…you much prefer to be on the go or sleeping down below to the hum of the engine.

“3” kids later the little blue pool…is still a hit!! Although, it is getting a bit tight…time for an upgrade? Or at least a city pool pass for those “hot” summer days ahead. The weather around here has been one extreme to the next…60-90 degree in any given week.

Mr. Smile Stat’s; 6 teeth (four on top, two bottom), drinks from a cup (although, he still loves nursing approx. 6 times in 24 hrs..YIKES), loves to eat (still staying away from rice, and “orange” veggies due to  extreme eczema problems), crawling, says “momma”, “dadda”, “hi”, “KA (car)”, makes the sound of a car, “woof, woof”, LOVES to talk..can you tell? Blows kisses, gives high five, waves, learning sign language, O’ and I have my first “biter”!! Tips on breaking this would be appreciated!! 🙂

Mr. Smiles..says “Thank you” for spending his first year with him!!

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