12 Months of Bliss Challenge

The New Year is off and running and I have decided that this year instead of making a “resolution” that is sure to be broken in no time I am going to try something a bit different for 2010. Im hoping some of you will join me in doing the same!!!

I am going to set a monthly goal….something for me to work on, work toward, and/or strive for!! These will be different each month and I hope to share them with all of you to help hold me accountable!! Will call it “12 months of bliss”!!

January’s Goal is “focus”…I am going to work on focusing more on my priorities!! What is important? What can go by the way side? What sucks up most of my valuable time in a day? How can my time be more efficiently used?

In my mission to “focus” I will also explore with who do I want to spend time with..who is important in my life…how should my God given days be spent?

Some of these I can answer now of coarse…but it is not all about answers it is about doing!! Walking the path…doing the act….making it happen!!! It is easy to get caught up in life’s day to day chaos losing sight of who, what, and where we are going.

I am super excited to embark on this journey and “focus” on the things in my life that REALLY matter…not the he said, she said….should of ….would of….could of…..put the rubber to the rubber to the road and lets get moving!!!

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