Nocturnal Notes of Thanks

Do you know when most of my post are written? Answer between 2-4 AM. The truth is 4/4 of my children have been terrible sleepers.  

Pumpkin was a case of “mommy didn’t know what she was doing”. I created bad habits and then worse habits (yes, she would eat waffles in the middle of the night..I’ll get into that another day.)
 Kbear was my little night tantrum blessing. Mr. Smiles just liked his mommy time and looking back he was probably my best sleeper. 
Now, 14 months and going strong there’s Scooter (aka Stinker) he was born with a recently diagnosed enlarged adenoid. It affects his breathing, congestion, and sleep in the worst way. Yes, I spend many nights sleeping/sitting vertically holding him so he can breath. Now, that we have a diagnosis he will be having an adenoidectomy to correct this and Lord willing sleep will be in my future. 
I share this not for you to have pity for me (please don’t) as God has sustained me these past 8 years. No, I’m not super human and don’t require sleep but what has been needed in the way of rest He sees I get. It might look like only a 10 minute nap but the show must go on. More importantly over the years I have used these “extra” hours to pray, reflect, write, and give thanks. God speaks when it is quiet and still; something, my house is not usually with four kids 8 and under. He has used the night to keep me anchored. 
Here are some of my nocturnal notes of thanks;
1.Extra cuddles in the night
2.Moon lit rooms
3.Cozy pjs
4.Warm blankets 
5.Pillows to rest a weary head
6.Medical professionals who aid in the art of health/well being 
7.A mothers milk- providing nourishment to my babies for 13+ months (x4) 
8.Sound machines to block the noise of other siblings in the night 
9.A starter house turned family home (because God knows what is good for my family) 
Where do you carve out rest in your day? 

A Eucharisteo Dare

Over the past month I have been reading 1000 Gifts by: Ann Voskamp. She wrote this book based on a dare to live fully right where she was at. A friend dared her to find “1000 gifts” in ordinary everyday living.

The book is based on a Greek word “Eucharisteo“; a verb meaning, to be grateful, to feel thankful and give thanks. “Eucharist” is the act of giving thanks and remembrance for Jesus who died on the cross for our sins: “charis” meaning grace, and “O” referencing whom should  do these things; “I“. Ann’s story depicts what she believes to be the key to experiencing life’s full joy; based on this word “Eucharisteo“. 
It is through the act of giving thanks for all things despite the circumstances; receiving and extending grace to those people and situations around us we experience joy. The “well of joy” is always available to us but do we choose to fully accept it and drink from it? 

This idea of “Eucharisteo” really made sense to me and of coarse got me thinking. How might I get my family involved in such a way of living? Today the world seems to be filled with such negative; everything from the news on television to ungrateful people, greed/jealousy, and deceit in our daily lives. The negative surrounds us like a bad perfume. It is no wonder so many people suffer from depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders. Where have we gone wrong? Could it help even a little to go back to our Latin and Greek roots for answers? It’s worth a try, right? 

The power of the mind is amazing to me and so much of our day to day living depends on it. When we are grumpy in our “head” it shows on our face and comes out in our actions. Is it even possible to be “grumpy” when giving thanks for all things; all day, everyday? I began to try this as a mental exercise for myself and do you know what; it is near impossible! I wrote down nothing but throughout my days found “gifts” and gave thanks regardless of how good/bad the situation. I was amazed and still slightly am shocked at how this works. Our mind; our thanks “giving” to God in all things free’s our mind of the ugly that has the ability to ruin days.

Try it; I dare you! 

We are doing a 1000 Family Gifts join us and share some of your “gifts” with us. We would love to hear them.